In this article, I want to share with you some information that in addition to work, you should take care of your mental and physical health, which is very important. Taking care of your physical condition will improve your mental state, as the saying goes, a sound mind in a sound body. Physical activity oxygenates the brain, improves circulation, removes tension and gives the body a sense of fulfillment and solace and brings satisfaction, which makes your creativity boost.
I want to tell you more about the way I take care of my physical health, as I have quite an interesting and not very safe hobby 🙂
This is MTB or mountain bike, as the name implies, it is more or less riding on gravel roads, forests, and mainly on hilly and sandy terrains.
Well, actually, it’s more than that. It's a sport that I can do all year round, of course, with the right equipment and preparation. If you are not a fan of riding in autumn or winter, you can always use a trainer and train at home.
Well, I think it's worth having a hobby, because we as people do not want to live only our work, but also we have something in which we can fulfill ourselves. At the same time, it can have a positive impact on our mental health. It is important to rest mentally and physically, although physical exertion is advisable because it is our human nature as we are not designed to stay in one sitting position all day, and it is, however, an everyday occurrence at work of a QA tester.
Well, maybe you want to know more about my hobby. It is worth taking care of early physical activity - it can be daily stretching and running with increasing interval. In MTB aerobic capacity is extremely important, that is because most novice cyclists prefer to ride in the lowest gears which allows them to move their legs with less frequency. This is not a long term solution, but it can be applied to the strength training of your legs, as the best option is to get the highest possible cadence.
Cadence is nothing but the frequency of pedaling, in this case, extremely important is the aerobic capacity of the body. The muscles here do not really play such a big role, but they should not be forgotten. Already the first results of increased cadence you will feel when riding against the wind or climbing a steep hill.
My hobby allows me to be energized and stay focused at work, so this way I’m more productive. Every time I struggle with any problem at work, I know that the answer will come to me anytime when I practice my hobby. It keeps me sane, fulfilled and in a good shape!
Remember that the right choice of equipment takes care about your safety, but also your spine. There’s nothing as important as choosing the right size of bike frame for your height and the correct adjustment of the saddle on the bike and handlebars. If it happens to you that you have pain in the neck, spine or maybe your hands are shaking, the answer is simple - you may have the wrong position on the bike, or the wrong size of the frame for your height.
Okay, now it is worth taking care to prepare the body's resistance and appropriate equipment on the bike. The safety is very important, so it is worth considering what kind of helmet and goggles you want to buy. You should also provide yourself with hydration - here you can use a bottle or camel bag, for example.
The important thing is to train regularly, which will allow your body to develop, and do not forget also about recovery. Resting is a big part of mental and physical health. Listen to your body and do what it tells you to do. In this case, you will maintain a good balance.
Remember that physical activity is very important, especially if you have a sedentary work. Movement and sports will allow you to relax after intellectual work and allow you to refresh your thoughts, so you take care of your mental health at the same time. Having a hobby not only improves your physical health but also stimulates your creativity, because you create the best things when you do what you like 🙂
I guarantee you that having your hobby keeps your mind refreshed and change the way you think about certain things. You don't even know when, and suddenly you easily come up with a solution to a problem in your work.
And all this in a pleasant way - doing what you like!
Wojciech Błądek